Purchasing a piece of diamond jewellery can be both an exciting and daunting task. Most people know very little about diamonds. It can be easy to fear ‘getting it wrong’ in purchasing diamond jewellery.
Diamond Guild Australia members recognise this and can help you in your purchasing decision. They are all trained to the highest standard to ensure you get the right diamond for your occasion and for your budget – and help you and your loved one enjoy the process of purchasing it.
Some simple guidelines from the Diamond Guild Australia can help you have a pleasurable purchasing experience.
For an engagement ring, the ‘rule of thumb’ is to allocate two – three month’s salary for its purchase. However, it is important that both partners feel comfortable with the budget being considered. Your Diamond Guild Australia member can, discretely, help you select the most beautiful piece of diamond jewellery appropriate for your budget.
This international diamond grading standard helps you to evaluate a diamond’s beauty and price. Therefore it is important to consult your Diamond Guild Australia member to find the right diamond for you and your loved one. Always make sure you buy a certified diamond.
Consider the manufacture of the ring as well as the quality of the diamond.
The diamond is, of course, an important element in the selection of a ring. However, it is also important to consider the design and quality of the ring itself. Many of the Diamond Guild Australia members have won design awards and all have a quality of workmanship that would be expected from Australia’s most exceptional jewellers.
We hope that over the years you will have the opportunity to enjoy your diamond jewellery. Consider that there may be times when you wish to upgrade your diamond, or, perhaps, change the design. Perhaps you may have the misfortune of losing your piece of jewellery and wish to look at a replacement. In all cases, your Diamond Guild Australia jeweller will be there for you to provide professional advice and help you make the right decision for you and your partner.
Photo: J Farren Price Jewellers
Select your jeweller carefully and enjoy the exceptional service and magical experience they can provide. All Diamond Guild Australia members have the highest levels of skill and expertise. As such, you can be supremely confident in the advice and the quality of the diamond provided by a Diamond Guild Australia member. And, accordingly, you can feel good knowing that you are purchasing a high quality, beautifully designed piece of jewellery with diamonds handpicked by one of Australia’s most exceptional jewellers.
Remember that purchasing a piece of diamond jewellery is a wonderful opportunity to make a decision of passion and togetherness, not stress and tears!